About US

Start Up Find – for those who had the audacity!

We are firm believers in “local is LEKKER” and love the idea of helping fellow South Africans succeed in business.

At Start Up Find we’re on a mission to put small businesses on the map and build a community that supports and celebrates each other. 

South Africa has a host of creativity and innovation, and we’re here to make sure that every solopreneur and entrepreneur gets the visibility they deserve, while creating a vibrant entrepreneurial community.

We’re not your average directory!

Start Up Find is a curated collection of the best small businesses in South Africa.  We categorize small businesses, making it a breeze to discover what you’re looking for. From handmade crafts to services to elevate your brand, we’ve got you covered.

We believe in your potential, and we want South Africa to see it too! Your story matters, your brand is unique, and Start Up Find is your stage.

Get listed, be seen, and let South Africa discover the magic that is your business! Join the Start Up Find club today! đź‘Š 


From our blog


Mar 10
Should startups care about profitability? More news at 10

There are certain topics that even some of the smartest people I talk with who aren’t…

Mar 10
One thing separates creators from consumers

Enterprise applications are complex — there is an insane amount of information that is…

Mar 10
What to do if your product isn’t growing

As a founder, product lead at Pinterest and PM for a couple products at Google, as…


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